Welcome to Yayasan Lestari Sayang Anak website!
Our Foundation wants to rescue babies and toddlers who cannot be taken care of by their desperate parents in the Jakarta area. We do so by running an orphanage where babies are not only cared of, but also cared for. This distinguishes us
from many other orphanages in Jakarta area. Please take a look around and find out all about how we achieve this important goal.
From The Netherlands to Jakarta by bicycle? They must be Dutch :-)
Everything in between is about two of our friends, Diego and Marlies. They are on their way from Netherlands to Jakarta by bicycle!!! Now the are already in Hanoi, Vietnam. For more information about their journey, and how you can support them see: www.kitabisa.com/everythinginbetween
Please support Marlies and Diego...
With your contribution they will support 3 charities.
One of them is LSA.

Donation from Postcodeloterij - Special thanks to Ruud Gullit and Rogier Schultz
July, 2016
The visit of Ruud Gullit and Rogier Schultz has brought us more than a great afternoon! These men with their hearts on the right place have kept in touch with me after their visit. Not long ago I received a phone call from Ruud, telling me he introduced Lestari Sayang Anak to the Postcodeloterij in Holland. A few emails later I got the fantastic news from Ruud that the Loterij will donate to us 3000 Euro!!!!!!! I am so happy, it couldn't have come at a better time! Thank you Postcode loterij! Thank you Ruud, you are a true friend!!! Thank you all for helping me to make a difference in a few children's lives!

Max reunited with his biological parents!!!
10 May, 2015
Tomorrow first time in the history of LSA, one of our kids will be reunited with his biological parents!!! Max will go back to his mum and dad, and his grandmother. His story really has a happy ending with us, and a fantastic new beginning for Max and his family. We will miss you terribly, but we let you go. Please come and visit us now and then, lots of love, Ingrid and the ibu's!! XXXX

Soccer player Carlos Raul Sciucatti and his wife Esti paid us a visit!
February 2015
The children loved to see the magic tricks Carlos did, thanks for the visit!

Our licenses have been extended for another 5 years, fantastic!!
February 2015
We are proud to say that Kecematan has come to our place for a survey, and agreed to extend our licenses, what a compliment! We are okay until 2020!

A visit and donations from Mentari International School students.
January 2015
Every month I give an update about the children, and send pictures to the students, and in return they give us financial support, that we use for our medical funds. Thanks Mentari students, you are the best!

Many great parties in Lestari Sayang anak!
January 2015
We regularly have a birthday party in our home, and children and staff always have a lot of fun!

Education Fund
November, 2014
We have opened an account especially for education of the children.
Details are:
ANZ Panin bank:
Account no. (IBAN): 41376501 00012
Account name: Yayasan Lestari Sayang Anak
Swiftcode (BIC): ANZBIDJX

We have a new baby boy named Max!
July 13, 2014
Max was born on the 13th of July, and came to our orphanage two days later. Welcome Max!

A new trampoline for kids to play, they love it!!
July 2014

Medical funds account
February 2014
Early January 2014 we opened a medical funds. An account where people can donate money for medical purposes only. One month later two of our children were in hospital for different reasons. Harry needed a small operation, and baby Joshua had to stay two nights because of high fever and a fever fit.So the funds proved to be very useful, which is why I ask for your support. Any amount is welcome! For more details please look at our website under Visitors, Donate online!
~ JIS at LSA ~
~ Selemat Harimu, Ibu ~